How to Put an Accreditation Team Together

Season 1 | Episode 4

29 Minutes

Brandy Osborn, Accreditation Manager at the Springfield Police Department talked with us on this episode about the importance of sharing the “why” when bringing others into a project. In her role, she found a way to leverage the expertise of her colleagues to streamline the accreditation process. By doing this she shares that her agency has been successful in staying accredited for two plus decades along with helping create awareness and visibility into the accreditation process from new recruits to seasoned officers.

Show Description

Brandy Osborn, Accreditation Manager at the Springfield Police Department talked with us on this episode about the importance of sharing the “why” when bringing others into a project. In her role, she found a way to leverage the expertise of her colleagues to streamline the accreditation process. By doing this she shares that her agency has been successful in staying accredited for two plus decades along with helping create awareness and visibility into the accreditation process from new recruits to seasoned officers.


Webinar – The Role of Policies in Building and Maintaining Company Culture

PowerDMS – Streamlines policy, training, and accreditation lifecycles

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