Kentucky League of Cities Insurance Services (KLCIS) Case Study

Why KLCIS incentivizes law enforcement agencies to become accredited.

February 26, 2021

Program Overview

More than 15 years ago, the Kentucky League of Cities Insurance Services (KLCIS) conducted an in-depth risk analysis to find ways to reduce law enforcement liability.

Their research concluded that accredited agencies were less likely to experience lawsuits, injuries, and loss.

Accreditation programs, such as the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement (CALEA) and the Kentucky Association of Chiefs of Police (KACP) were found to address the three pillars of risk management – leadership, training, and policies. CALEA and KACP address these three components of risk management by ensuring that agencies are following the industry's best practices and policies.

Having analyzed the numbers again, Mark Filburn, a KLCIS Loss Consultant, has found that accredited agencies are less likely to experience lawsuits, injuries, and loss. As a result of these findings, KLCIS offers a discount of up to 10%, to all agencies accredited under KACP or CALEA. Additionally, they offer a Safety Grant up to $3,000, which can be used to pay for accreditation fees.

“We believe accreditation is one important part of risk management that supports the three critical areas of risk management – leadership, training, and policies.”



Secrets to Success

With 125 agencies accredited by KACP alone, Kentucky is among the top five states in terms of the number of accredited agencies.

The success in both reductions in losses and the high numbers of accredited agencies is no accident.

This includes a positive working relationship between KLEC, DOCJT, KACP and the Kentucky League of Cities. In 2017, KACP partnered with PowerDMS to provide a more efficient and paperless accreditation management solution. PowerDMS' cloud-based tool makes the administrative aspects of accreditation less time consuming and allows KACP to review an agency's files from any internet-enabled device remotely. Additionally, the Kentucky League of Cities relies on outside counsel and training from Jack Ryan at the Legal and Liability Risk Management Institute (LLRMI). All of these relationships work together to create a successful risk management program in Kentucky.

“PowerDMS makes it easier to verify that an agency has implemented policies and training; reducing the time we spend reviewing files by 40%. Additionally, PowerDMS makes it easier for agencies to prove compliance with our accreditation standards.”



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