A2LA Accreditation Manuals

Available to Laboratories & Inspection Units


A2LA is among the largest accreditation bodies in the world and the only independent, 501(c)3, non-profit, internationally recognized accreditation body in the United States that offers a full range of comprehensive conformity assessment accreditation services. Established in 1978 as a public service membership society, A2LA is dedicated to the formal recognition of competent testing and calibration laboratories (including medical laboratories), biobanking facilities, inspection bodies, product certification bodies, proficiency testing providers, and reference material producers. A2LA has over 3700 actively accredited certificates representing all 50 US states and more than 50 countries.

Manuals Available in PowerDMS

  • R221 - Specific Requirements - Forensic Examination Accreditation Program - Testing and Calibration
    (ISO/IEC 17025:2017)
  • R318 - Specific Requirements - Forensic Examination Accreditation Program – Inspection (ISO/IEC 17020:2012)