Article Highlights
- The problem: Inefficient to manage telecommunicator training progress
- The solution: PowerReady, an ECC training software
- The benefits: Ensure consistency and compliance, and make data-driven decisions
The problem: Monitoring training to keep responders safe
Emergencies change rapidly and telecommunicators play a pivotal role in ensuring everyone is kept up-to-speed as situations unfold. To accomplish this, telecommunicators must complete extensive, ongoing emergency communications training so they know how to remain calm under pressure and provide succinct, highly-detailed information to citizens and first responders. But without proper tracking, it can be challenging to ensure all telecommunicators have received the requisite training that keeps everyone safe.
As a Communications Training Officer, with everything going on in your center, it can be difficult to monitor 911 telecommunicator training progress. Not only do you have to make sure telecommunicators enroll in and complete required first responder safety training, but you must also check for comprehension. Failure to accomplish either of these tasks puts first responders and citizens at risk since just one improperly trained employee can jeopardize the entire emergency response.
If you don’t have adequate means to track the current status of your ECC training initiatives, it’s also impossible to know where you need to make improvements. Likewise, you can’t be certain whether your existing training sufficiently prepares telecommunicators to remain accountable and compliant with service level agreements that support first responders. Fortunately, there’s a straightforward solution to these challenges: PowerReady.
The solution: ECC training software
PowerReady, an emergency dispatch training software by PowerDMS, provides a centralized platform to manage probationary training at your agency. Using this employee training management software, CTOs can maintain all 911 telecommunicator training information in one accessible, cloud-based location, allowing you to check for consistency and comprehension at any time and from any device.
PowerReady helps you ensure everyone in your agency meets training requirements and streamlines communication with trainees using notification reminders. When a new hire starts at your ECC, CTOs can automate the onboarding process by assigning all relevant training for emergency dispatchers, call takers, and more. They can also assign to-do items to individuals, groups, or departments across your organization so they can complete advancement training courses. These notification reminders mean employees always know exactly what they need to complete, and when.
Additionally, CTOs can rely on PowerReady’s easy-to-use interface and real-time data tracking to analyze telecommunicator training performance. Simply navigate to the software’s dashboards and reports to view trainee progress, trainer effectiveness, and any areas that need extra attention. You can also set up the software so you receive notifications when it’s time to review DORs, forms, or low-performing reports. Each of these tools makes it easy to compile trainee data, like training results, that can be used in performance reviews and department-wide performance management.
The benefits of employee training management software
PowerReady saves your agency valuable time by tracking all emergency telecommunicator training information in one cloud-based location. This means that, instead of searching through paper documents or unorganized computer files, CTOs can spend time enforcing consistent and successful ECC training. In doing so, your telecommunicators become better equipped to handle emergencies and facilitate scene safety for first responders.
Because you can also use ECC dispatch training software to make data-driven, defensible decisions about your training offerings, you can better promote accountability and maintain compliance with service level agreements. Additionally, PowerReady reduces the likelihood that your agency will experience liability risks through training negligence or lost documentation. All of this means that telecommunicators have all the resources they need to promote the safest emergency response possible.
Learn more
Ready to improve your telecommunicator training program implementation? Schedule a demo today to learn how PowerReady can support your ECC’s training needs.