Article Highlights
- The problem: Insufficient resources to meet ECC service level agreements
- The solution: PowerPolicy, a 911 dispatch software tool by PowerDMS
- The benefits: Centralize your SOPs, ensure compliance, and promote accountability to meet SLAs
The problem: Meeting 9-1-1 center SLAs
Service level agreements (SLAs) ensure your emergency communications center meets the needs of stakeholders by outlining the expectations of partners and community members. But if your agency is facing staffing shortages and limited resources, you may struggle to maintain SOPs and uphold SLAs.
An increasing number of agencies across the country are short-staffed and overscheduled, and emergency communications centers are having trouble keeping up with call volume. You’re trying to promote efficient 911 services through updated standard operating procedures, but given resource and staffing constraints, you’re struggling to ensure these documents stay updated and employees stay informed of any changes.
Unfortunately, inefficient, manual document management processes can result in unmet SLAs. Paper-based processes for distributing and updating policies are cumbersome, error-prone, and labor-intensive, and they can easily result in misplaced documents or the use of outdated versions. This makes it hard to ensure dispatchers are kept up-to-date on the latest 911 communications center standard operating procedures, which limits their ability to maintain compliance. Failing to meet these agreements jeopardizes your relationships with stakeholders, creates liability risks, and results in subpar public safety service provision.
The solution: 9-1-1 dispatch software
PowerDMS’s 911 dispatch software tool, PowerPolicy, promotes efficient service level agreement monitoring and reporting. Our centralized platform enables ECCs to manage, update, create, and distribute documents across the entire organization, ensuring everyone in your agency stays up-to-date with every 911 telecommunicator SOP.
Whenever 911 communications center standard operating procedures change, you can send out automated notifications that ensure telecommunicator review. Employees can electronically sign off on the document to indicate they’ve read and understood the updated procedures and ECC requirements. You can even require telecommunicators to take a test before they sign off to ensure they fully comprehend all changes.
The PowerPolicy 911 dispatch software also provides document management tools like version control and auto-archiving. Using version control, you can track the history of each document, including who has read, signed, edited, and approved each version of a document. Your agency can also use auto-archiving to ensure telecommunicators see only the most up-to-date SOPs. You can even set a specific date for documents to be auto-archived according to agency retention rules, so you’re always maintaining ECC compliance.
The benefits of a document management workflow system
PowerPolicy keeps your SOPs organized in one central location so staff can refer to them at any time and from any device. Using this 911 dispatch software, your agency can rest easy knowing that each telecommunicator in your organization has reviewed, comprehended, and acknowledged important SOP updates.
PowerPolicy’s automation, distribution, and tracking tools promote accountability, efficiency, and compliance in your entire workforce. This enables your agency to consistently meet SLAs and emergency communications center accreditation requirements – without the need for additional supporting resources.
Learn more
Schedule a demo today to learn how PowerDMS’s 911 dispatch software, PowerPolicy, can help you manage the 911 communications center policies and procedures required to meet your SLAs.