Crown Point Health Suites Case Study

How MED-PASS Heaton Digital Documents, powered by PowerDMS, can transform your facility’s management of policies and procedures.

February 26, 2021

The Old Way

Crown Point Health Suites is an independently operated orthopedic rehab and skilled nursing facility in Lubbock, Texas. Terri Ruble, a registered nurse, and licensed nursing facility administrator assists her husband in day-to-day operations and quality management. As the previous director of nursing, Terri began using MED-PASS manuals over ten years ago. She found the content of the MED-PASS manuals invaluable to ensuring compliance, but making updates specific to her facility was very cumbersome. If Terri updated a policy in one manual and there was a similar policy in the admin operations manual, she would have to remember to make the same updates in multiple places.

Additionally, having the policies accessible and current was very difficult. It was a manual process to maintain and update each station’s policy binder. All of this took Terri a lot of time and made it difficult to ensure staff had the most up-to-date policies.

“PowerDMS is just so much more convenient and much more clear. It's easier to hold your staff to the expectation of knowing where to find the policies and how to access and read the policies. It's been a great resource.

Terri Ruble - Owner/Operator, Crown Point Health Suites (TX)

A Better Way

With PowerDMS, Terri spends less time managing policies and doesn’t need to allocate additional funds to hire a full-time policy manager. She has eliminated time spent updating binders and tracking policy changes, which allows her to better focus on quality management improvement activities.

Since PowerDMS can be accessed from any device, Crown Point Health Suites set up all of their computers with a login so staff members can view and read a policy or procedure at any time.

With the PowerDMS mobile app, Terri and her management team can refer to policies on the go and find answers from anywhere, at any time. Being able to pull up the policies on their phones has allowed Terri and her management team to refer to and remind staff what is expected of them. They can provide faster support and standardize processes.

Additionally, PowerDMS is so easy to log into and use, the entry-level staff doesn’t require any complicated training in regards to knowing where and how to refer to a policy or procedure.


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